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This Suya spice infused Egusi soup was born out of my longing for Suya. Lately I have missed suya so much I was about to make my own Suya spice when I received a suya spice (yaji) gift from my brother in Naija and I was ecstatic…

Suya is a Nigerian street food made from grilled meat or chicken  and a special spice blend which we call suya spice ( yaji)

This yaji spice recipe is guarded jealously by the mallams who make this delicious street food.


From the taste you decipher that it contains some garlic, ginger, groundnuts, pepper, curry and some other spices. I would be sharing a recipe soon so stay tuned.

So today I decided to spice up my egusi soup with some  of the ‘yaji’  my beloved brother sent me and believe me it was De-Li-ci-OUS…. YUM.

If you love Suya, this is definitely for you. If you love spice but are allergic to peanuts, please this isn’t for you because yaji contains peanuts. You can try this other uniquely spiced up Egusi soup. Oh yes thank me later?

This Suya spiced egusi soup is bursting with unique flavors.If you do give it a try, kindly give us a feedback. We always love to hear from you. Have you subscribed yet? Common what are you waiting for??

Already salivating ??? Ahhhh…. I see. Ok Let’s  get to the recipe ?


Prep Time: 15                Yield: 10 servings

Cook Time: 1hr 30mins


  • 300g ground Egusi (melon seeds)
  • 2 medium size red bell peppers
  • 2-3 habanero peppers
  • 2 cups  Palm oil
  • 1200g cow foot
  • 800g beef
  • 800g  stock fish
  • 3/4 cup ground crayfish
  • 2 medium size onions
  • kale leaves ( chopped )
  • 1/4 cup yaji (suya spice)


  • Wash the cow foot and stock fish and put in a pot of water on a lit stove and start cooking. It usually takes about an hour 15 mins to cook these.
  • Blend the bell pepper, habenero peppers, onions and already ground egusi in a blender. ( I add the egusi to the mix just to wet and create a fluid paste)
  • Pour your blended mixture into the cooking cow feet and stock fish. It would look watery at first but it will thicken. Remember top up with water as it thickens.
  • Add the crayfish
  • When the soup has cooked for about 30 mins, add in the beef.
  • Allow to cook for 10 mins, then add the yaji spice and palm oil. Stir, taste for seasoning and adjust accordingly.
  • At the end of cook time, add your kale vegetable and stir in and turn off heat immediately.

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  1. Pingback: Pepper Soup Spice infused Egusi Soup. - MY DIASPORA KITCHEN

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